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Teeth crowns

prosthetic solution number 1 in the world

Have you been hiding your teeth for a long time because of bad looks? They may have been damaged or destroyed by caries, positioned out of place, or removed due to trauma. In the end, the result is the same: you feel discomfort, your appearance is impaired, you feel a lack of self-confidence and reduced tooth functionality.

Damaged or extracted teeth

a nightmare of aesthetics and health

Half, bitten, chipped, damaged or crooked teeth today are by no means acceptable if you want to function normally in society. Perhaps the only worse thing than a damaged tooth is the void where it should be.

In addition to impairing the appearance, these problems can lead to other health problems, so often after losing one tooth, you lose or damage the others. Still, a Hollywood smile today is at your fingertips in the form of dental prosthetics!


you have a damaged tooth (placed on a half or weakened tooth)

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you are missing a tooth

(placed on a dental implant)

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you are missing more teeth

(placed in the form of a dental bridge)


Dental prosthetics can usually last more than 10 years, and you can extend their life by regularly brushing your teeth with a toothbrush and toothpaste, and by flossing and special interdental brushes between your teeth. Also, it is important to go to the dentist for regular check-ups in order to spot any problems in time.


Teeth crowns

the best solution for you


Dental crowns are the most widely used prosthetic solution in the world. What do they owe their popularity to? The crowns look the same as a natural tooth, are made of ceramic and do not cause any allergies.


Dental crowns are the ideal solution for you if:


metal locks

classic gray


ceramic (aesthetic) locks



sapphire locks ceramic transparent

In addition, we distinguish the type of joints in the brace, ie the ways in which the wires are attached to the locks:

  • classic brace - wires are fastened with accessories (rubber or wire)

  • self-ligating brace - the locks have pistons on them to which the wire is attached


Dental center TreeDent Varaždin

your choice when installing crowns

We equipped the Treedent dental center in the center of Varaždin with the most modern technology. The professional team in cooperation with the dental laboratory will come up with the best possible solution for you, according to the situation you are in. With us, you will not have to worry about whether the crown will be a reliable solution in the long run.


Every dental procedure in TreeDent begins with an X-ray diagnosis. Here we check whether the tooth on which the crown is placed is healthy and adequately filled (in previous treatment). If we suspect an unfavorable performance of a procedure that could jeopardize prosthetic work, we will propose a revision or treatment of the said tooth in order to guarantee the quality of performance.


Depending on your wishes and possibilities, you can choose between three types of crowns of different prices and characteristics:


  • Metal ceramic crown - Consists of an inner metal part and an outer ceramic. This type of crown is recommended as the most favorable variant of the crown for posterior teeth that are not visible, but only have to fulfill their function.


  • Zircon ceramic crown - As its name suggests it consists of a central zircon part and an outer ceramic part. The advantage of this crown is the light-transmitting zirconium oxide base, just like the natural tooth, so the similarity with the tooth in relation to metal ceramics is incomparable.


  • E-Max ceramic crown or full metal-free ceramic crown - Unlike the other two types, the interior of the Emax crown is made of ceramic and due to the partial transmission of light through the ceramic crown looks like a natural tooth. It is the most desirable variant due to the high aesthetics it provides. The differences between complete ceramics and zircon ceramics in aesthetics are insignificant.

Decide on the best change in your life! Dental crowns are made so that neither you nor others will notice the difference between them and natural teeth. That is why they are considered an aesthetically acceptable, high-quality and long-lasting dental solution.


We approach each patient individually and take into account all the factors so that the implantation of the crowns goes smoothly. This will ensure you normal tooth function, more self-confidence and thus a better quality of life.

The words of our clients

Mrs. Ivana Sopek

The first picture is after the tears in pms because I have the worst teeth in the world;) The second is today and I can't admit how many selfies I took :) .. The third is when Robi and I realized that our TreeDent is the best


Book your appointment!


At the Treedent Dental Center, we have all the equipment, knowledge and expertise for the entire process of implanting dental crowns. From the initial X-ray to the installation itself, you are accompanied by our professional and friendly staff who will answer all your questions and make sure you have everything you need.




Thank you for registering, we will contact you with an appointment as soon as possible.

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