The services we provide
Dental Servicesthat we provide are defined by the TreeDent protocol prescribed by the head of the clinic, Dr. Mihaela Salaj Žužul, in cooperation with the specialists who cooperate with the clinic. Protocols are harmonized according to current global and current dental trends and organizations Tommorow Tooth iSlow Dentistry All doctors of the clinic are aligned according to the same protocols and work according to the same principles and principles.

Give your smile to your loved ones
Our top experts will create and select a therapy that will correct the geometry of your teeth.
Teeth that are crooked or not in the right place impair aesthetics and affect the health of the oral cavity. In addition to aesthetics, the goal of orthodontics is to address painful conditions and disorders of the masticatory system.
Orthodontic therapy is one of the best preventive measures that will prevent the development of numerous caries in places that are not accessible for cleaning teeth. In addition to functional improvements, aesthetic and psychological changes in the patient justify the wearing of orthodontic appliances. Orthodontic therapy is not a luxury, it is a need that should not be ignored. The results of orthodontic therapy are lasting and give you the smile you have always wanted.
Dental surgery
Even the most difficult problems are solvable
Our professional team is here to guide our patients and their families every step of the way throughout their health journeys. Schedule this service today to ensure that you're ready for what's ahead.

We have modernized the procedure to the highest level
Our office is equipped with the most modern devices for cleaning root canals. Machine endodontics make the procedure faster and safer for the patient because we avoid the risk of root canal puncture through the digital apex locator.
"Swiss made" implants in your clinic
Each of our patients is eligible for this personalized service. Schedule yours today, and we promise you’ll leave our clinic well-informed and confident that your health is in the best of hands.